


There are 17 elements that are known to be essential for plant growth and development. 肥料(也称为植物性食物元素)是为植物提供这些元素而生产的物质.

去除这些元素, 加上浸出, volatilization and erosion causes the soil fertility to be continually reduced. 的地盘 and landscape plants will have poor color (yellow-green to yellow), 植物密度低,使杂草入侵,植物活力低,增加了植物对病虫害的敏感性.

土壤 productivity can be maintained by well managed, scheduled applications of multiple element fertilizers.


17个基本要素中的3个, 碳, 氢和氧, are taken primarily from the air and water. Oxygen and hydrogen are obtained by plants from water. Carbon and hydrogen are taken in by the leaves from the air. 植物利用的其他14种元素必须来自土壤或添加的肥料材料.

去除这些元素, 加上浸出, volatilization and erosion causes the soil fertility to be continually reduced. 的地盘 and landscape plants will have poor color (yellow-green to yellow), 植物密度低,使杂草入侵,植物活力低,增加了植物对病虫害的敏感性.

土壤 productivity can be maintained by well managed, scheduled applications of multiple element fertilizers.


Why doesn’t fertilizer have 100% plant food?

根据肥料16-6-8分析,30%的植物性食物或每百磅材料中含有30磅. 另外的70%是什么? It is not a filler; it is the way the plant food is chemically compounded so plants can utilize it.

植物不能利用氮元素, they only take up 氮 when it is in the NO3 or NH4 form. 这意味着每一份氮对应三份氧(NO3)或四份氢(NH4). 当氮存在于植物可利用的化合物中时,氮只是化合物的一部分. The same is true with 磷 and the other elements. Phosphorus is absorbed by plants as H2PO4–, HPO4 = or PO4 = depending upon soil pH.

If fertilizers were in the elemental form, they would be difficult to handle:

  • 电影《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》英文名  (N) – a colorless inert gas that could drift off into the air.
  • 电影《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》英文名  (P) – catches fire spontaneously when exposed to the air. It is actually poisonous to plants in concentrated forms.
  • 电影《十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台》英文名  (K) – placed in contact with water it will catch fire, explode and decompose into a strong caustic solution.


Functions of the 14 elements obtained from the soil and added fertilizer



A. Primary Plant 食物 Elements: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (Potash)


  1. 促进快速的营养生长(叶和茎),加速割草后的恢复,并赋予草皮活力.
  2. A vital element in the formation and function of chlorophyll, the key ingredient imparting dark green color.
  3. Synthesizes amino acids which in turn form protein.
  4. 调节其他营养物质的吸收.
  5. Basic ingredient of vital compounds – Nucleic acid and enzymes.
  1. 刺激早期根系的形成和生长——使植物有一个良好的开端,并在土壤中形成一个根系过滤系统,以有效地吸收其他可用的植物营养和水分. Improves the strength and stamina of the plant.
  2. Hastens maturity (conversion of starch to sugar).
  3. 刺激开花和种子发育.
  4. 导致能量转化和转化过程,其中糖转化为激素, protein and energy to grow new leaves and fruit.
  5. 形成核酸(DNA和RNA).
  6. Vital for photosynthesis (greening for plants).
  7. 对细胞分裂至关重要.
  1. Aids in the development of stems and leaves.
  2. Increases disease resistance and hardiness which helps wearability.
  3. Strengthens cell walls, causing grass to stand up and reduces lodging.
  4. 影响植物细胞的水分摄入——钾含量不足的植物在水分充足的情况下会枯萎.
  5. 作为铁吸收的催化剂.
  6. Essential to the formation and translocation of protein, 淀粉, sugar and oil–improving the size and quality of fruit, 谷物和块茎.



B. Secondary Plant 食物 Elements: Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur

These are used in somewhat less quantities than the primary elements, but they are just as essential for plant growth and quality.

  1. 钙是细胞壁结构的重要组成部分,必须存在于新细胞的形成中.
  2. 缺钙会导致茎变弱和花蕾过早脱落.
  1. Essential for photosynthesis (greening of plant).
  2. Activator for many plant enzymes required in growth process.
  1. 三种氨基酸的组成成分,因此在蛋白质的形成中是必不可少的.
  2. 帮助植物保持绿色.
  3. 改善碱性土壤.
  4. Helps compacted soils–making them loose and allowing better water penetration.
  5. Note –There are commonly two types of sulfur applied to plants and soils: Sulfate Sulfur ≠ (SO4); 单质硫(S)

硫(SO4) is the form taken up for plant food. Many plants require as much sulfur as phosphate in their growth processes.

石膏(CaSO4)和其他硫酸盐肥料——硫酸铵中含有硫(SO4), Ammonium Phosphate Sulfate and many turf fertilizers. Gypsum (CaSO4) will help reclaim alkali soils and make them loose and friable. Alkali soils contain sodium which causes soil to disperse, puddle and seal up. 石膏中的游离钙将取代粘土颗粒中的钠,并使钠从土壤中浸出. It also causes the small soil particles to flocculate (join together in small crumbs), leaving space between them for air and water movement.


单质硫(S) will convert to sulfate sulfur in the soil. 这个反应可能很慢,这取决于硫颗粒的大小和土壤条件. Once it has converted to sulfate sulfur (SO4), it is available to the plant. 如果土壤含钙, it can form gypsum in the soil and be used for reclamation of alkaline soils. 单质硫会降低颗粒所在地土壤的pH值,因为它会转化为硫酸盐. (参见草皮和硫磺文章).


C. Micronutrients: Iron, Zinc, and 锰

Even though micronutrients are used by plants in very small amounts, 它们就像大量的初级和次级营养物质一样对植物生长至关重要. 它们必须保持平衡,以便有效地利用所有营养和水. 在草坪上,有三种微量元素对保持绿色和植物活力特别重要.


Yellowing of grass (Iron Chlorosis) is often due to iron deficiency. 铁是植物细胞中叶绿素形成所必需的(使草皮保持健康的绿色). It serves as a catalyst for biological processes such as respiration, symbiotic fixation of 氮 and photosynthesis. Applications of iron can correct iron deficiency, 但在高pH值土壤中可能是暂时的, 由于与钙结合. 这可能需要用单质硫来酸化土壤,或使用氮的铵形式或一些其他酸化剂. As ammonium converts to nitrate in the soil, it has an acidifying effect. 这种酸化作用使铁和许多其他元素在高pH值土壤中更容易获得.


Zinc is an essential component of several plant enzymes. 它是生长素的一部分,控制吲哚乙酸的合成,调节生长化合物. Zinc also affects the intake and efficient use of water by plants.


锰 serves as an activator for enzymes in plants. Without 锰, the plants cannot use the iron which they have absorbed. It assists the iron in chlorophyll formation which causes yellowish turf to green up.

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